Sunday, 20 October 2013

We all need a Little of “Benjamin Franklin” in our lives! | Lifestyle, Parenting | – Latest World News & Opinions

We all need a Little “Benjamin Franklin” in life!

Hey Girls!
Today I am reading about Benjamin Franklin and I am inspired by him .
In my Opinion , we all need a little of Benjamin Franklin in our lives.
We all need to have a little knowledge and sense of  science and other skills like carpentry mason etc. His life is one of the best examples of how one can be self reliant.
One can say Ben’Franklin invented things for his own comfort.
For Instance: He had poor eyesight and needed glasses to see close and see things far away. He got tired of changing his glasses and so he invented the Bifocal Glasses.
Similarly He did the Kite Experiment as he was scared about his house being burnt down in thunderstorm, he wanted a solution, and so he created a lightning rod.
Another amazing quality of his personality (Endurance and perseverance) , he never stopped working rightfully on some thing he believed in , no matter what may be the conditions, this is clearly explained when he started using his pseudonym “Mrs. Silence Do Good” when he was not allowed to work for a newspaper.
This also proves that he never lost hope and tried harder to have his way through.
Benjamin Franklin made  Junto , A group of like minded people. Again This shows a remarkable traits of his personality ( Visionary ,  a philanthropist and his belief in Community Spirit ).
Although, Initially he belonged to a very humble family but his his efforts and hard work made him  one of the richest and most influential people of his time.
Benjamin Franklin was an important figure in defining the American Ethos. His clear and  balanced thoughts were one that described the fundamentals of American Society.
He described the American Ethos as the marriage of following values:
1) Practical Value of Thrift
2) Hard Work
3) Education
4) Community Spirit
5) Self Governing Institution
6) Opposition to Authoritarianism
7) With Scientific and tolerant value of Enlightenment .
This proves that his ideology played an important role in shaping American Society and Institutions.
An Important fact that “He  helped Thomas Jefferson in editing the Declaration of Independence” can never be ignored.
His vision and insight is one of the main reasons behind the strong America we admire today. He was a real first american and founding father of America and an inspiration to all human beings. This was my opinion how we all can achieve a bright future when  we all shall bring a little Benjamin Franklin in our lives.
Wishing you all a very Bright Future.
Thank you.

We all need a Little of “Benjamin Franklin” in our lives! | Lifestyle, Parenting | – Latest World News & Opinions