Title: Trusting Companions: Every thorn needs a Rose. by Nandini Goel
Once upon a time in a far away land there was a beautiful garden with all variety of flowers. Rose was admired the most and for this reason jasmine was jealous of her. One night, Jasmine told the thorns on Rose plant, "You are not admired by anyone only the flower rose is admired" to plant a seed of doubt.
The thorn asked Jasmine, "So what should I do?" Jasmine Replied, "Destroy the flower and you will be admired the most."
The thorn did as recommended and when the morning arrived no one even looked at it. The thorn realized its mistake but now it was too late.
Jasmine was admired the most now. At night Jasmine made fun of the thorn, "You fool, I am not your well wisher and see what you have done, you have destroyed your own beauty and what is a thorn's value without the beautiful rose flower"
Thank You